Landcover (0)
| Active sand dunes |
| Alpine exposed rock/soil |
| Aspen forest |
| Basin big sagebrush |
| Basin exposed rock/soil |
| Bitterbrush shrub steppe |
| Black sagebrush steppe |
| Bur oak woodland |
| Burned conifer |
| Clearcut conifer |
| Desert shrub |
| Douglas fir |
| Dry-land crops |
| Forest-dominated riparian |
| Grass-dominated riparian |
| Grass-dominated wetland |
| Greasewood fans and flats |
| Great Basin foothills grassland |
| Human settlements |
| Irrigated crops |
| Juniper woodland |
| Limber pine and woodland |
| Lodgepole pine |
| Meadow tundra |
| Mesic upland shrub |
| Mixed grass prairie |
| Mountain big sagebrush |
| Open water |
| Permanent snow |
| Ponderosa pine |
| Saltbush fans and flats |
| Short grass prairie |
| Shrub-dominated riparian |
| Spruce-fir |
| Subalpine meadow |
| Surface mining operations |
| Unvegetated playa |
| Vegetated dunes |
| Whitebark pine |
| Wyoming big sagebrush |
| Xeric upland shrub |